General Services

We offer a wide range of services which we tailor to the client’s requirements.

Desktop Studies

The use of existing records often helps to define the archaeological potential by using a combination of archives and published works


The excavation of small trenches in advance of the main development can be used to define the archaeological potential of a site and help to reduce the final archaeological commitment

Watching Briefs

The efficient recording of archaeological features or deposits disturbed during ground works can smooth the construction process and avoid excessive delays.

Landscape Surveys

There is a surprising number of archaeological features which are still evident in the landscape. Large area “walk over” surveys have located and described many archaeological feature in advance of large projects such as forestry replanting.

Standing Building Recording

The detailed recording of standing buildings can give an indication of their age and development. We have a reflectorless total station which allows the recording of elevation without the need for scaffolding. The total station can also be used in conjunction with NRG Survey software to produce detailed plans of the property and its surroundings.


Topographic Surveys

Using our total station we can produce topographic surveys of a site. Using NRG software these can include a contour survey and ground model. Surveying is not just a simple recording process as it interprets the significance of landscape features. This requires a suitably experienced person to sort out archaeological features from natural landscape features.

Geophysical Surveys

We have the in-house capability to carry out Fluxgate Gradiometer, Resistivity and magnetic susceptibility surveys. Geophysical surveys are by far the fastest direct method for the assessment of archaeological potential.